Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lesson One - Week One

    • Introduction

    • Take Your Time!

    • Welcome Rant

    • Course Guidelines

    • What You Will Need for this Course

    • The Magical Diary

    • The Dream Diary

    • Healthy Objectivity and Scepticism

    • The Oath

    • Dedicating a Space for Practice

    • The Four Elements

    • The Element of Fire

    • The Element of Water

    • The Element of Air

    • The Element of Earth

    • Altar Set Up

    • Casting Space Guided Meditation

    • Essential Questions - The Morning Pages

    • The Morning Pages (video)

    • Further Prompts for Morning Pages Practice

    • The Desires List

    • Lesson One - Week One: Recap and Exercises List

    • Week One: Recording with guest teacher Carl Abrahamsson

    • Thee Sigil Ov Thee Three Liquids

  • 2

    Lesson Two - Week Two

    • Consecrations for Altar Tools

    • The Ritual Cleansing Bath

    • The Robes

    • Integrating Magick into Daily Life Part One: Days of the Week

    • Integrating Magick into Daily Life Part Two: Planetary Hours

    • A Very Basic Introduction to the Kabbalah: The Tree of Life

    • The Kabbalistic Cross Ritual

    • Meditation in Ceremonial Magick

    • A Few Crucial Texts on Meditation

    • Meditation: Part One - Asana

    • Meditation: Part Two - Pranayama

    • Meditation: Part Three - Dharana

    • Meditation: Part Three - Dharana (part two)

    • Meditation Tech

    • Guided Vipassana Meditation by Jack Kornfield

    • Tarot Contemplation Ritual

    • Week Two Recap and Summary of Exercises

    • Week Two: Recording with guest teacher Sean Fargo

    • Guided Meditation from Sean Fargo

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    Lesson Three - Week Three

    • Magick, Ethics, and the True Will

    • Journaling Assignment: The True Will

    • The Element of Earth

    • Journal Exercise: The Elements Map

    • Continuing Study of the Kabbalah: The Four Kabbalstic Worlds

    • Additional Daily Practice and Integrating Magick into Your Life

    • Preliminary Preparation for Magical Ritual

    • Sigil Magick 101

    • Designing and Enacting Your First Working

    • Week Three Recap and Summary of Exercises

    • Week Three: Recording (1st Quarter Recap)

    • Week Three: Recording with guest teacher Dane Tomas

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    Lesson Four: Week Four

    • Welcome to Week Four!

    • The Element of Air

    • Continuing Study of the Kabbalah: The Sephiroth

    • The Sephiroth: Kether

    • The Sephiroth: Chokmah

    • The Sephiroth: Binah

    • The Sephiroth: Chesed

    • The Sephiroth: Geburah

    • The Sephiroth: Tiphareth

    • The Sephiroth: Netzach

    • The Sephiroth: Hod

    • The Sephiroth: Yesod

    • The Sephiroth: Malkuth

    • Magical Ritual Form

    • The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

    • General/Preliminary Invocations

    • The Middle Pillar Ritual

    • Establishing a Consistent Daily Practice

    • An Ritual Exercise for Communication

    • Week Four Recap and Summary of Exercises

    • Week Four: Recording with guest teacher Dr David Shoemaker

    • Liber Resh Vel Helios

  • 5

    Week Five: Lesson Five

    • Welcome to Week Five! - The Water Element

    • Recommended Books for Beginning Magick

    • Dreamwork Part 1: Precognition

    • Dreamwork Part 2: Dreamwork for Magicians

    • Dreamwork Part 3: Lucid Dreaming

    • Dreamwork Part 4: Dream Incubation

    • Dreamwork Part 5: Dream Herbs and Dream Technologies

    • Astral Projection: Part 1 - Introductory Theory

    • Astral Projection: Part 2 - General Guidelines and Principles

    • Astral Projection: Part 3 - Techniques and Practices

    • Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync 1: Orientation

    • Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync 2: Astral Projection Guide

    • The Enochian Calls

    • The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram (BRH)

    • The Greater Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram

    • Liber 777 and Tables of Correspondence

    • Week 5 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Five: Recording with guest teacher Mark Stavish

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    Week Six: Lesson Six

    • Week Six: The Fire Element

    • The Right View

    • Magick Related Movies and TV Shows

    • Divination

    • Getting Started with Tarot

    • Differences Between the Major Tarot Decks

    • The 22 Paths of the Soul: The Major Arcana Keys of the Tarot

    • The Meaning of the Minor Arcana Cards

    • Different Tarot Spreads

    • Tarot as a Magical Tool

    • The I-Ching: Introduction

    • Divination with the I-Ching using the 3 Coin Method

    • Example I-Ching Reading

    • Magick for Use with Creativity

    • Notable Creatives Who Practiced or Studied Magick

    • Guided Meditation for Creativity

    • The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram

    • Bonus: The Five Tibetan Rites

    • Week 6 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Six: Recording with guest teacher Micki Pellerano

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    Week Seven: Lesson Seven

    • Week Seven: Past the Halfway Point

    • Invocation

    • Liber Israfel - Invocation to Thoth

    • How to Write Your Own Invocations

    • Archangels

    • A Ritual to Invoke Archangel Raphael for Healing

    • Witchcraft

    • Moon Phases

    • Talismans and Amulets

    • Design for Yourself a Ritual

    • Week 7 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Seven: Recording with guest teacher Pam Grossman

    • Witch's Ladders

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    Week Eight: Lesson Eight

    • Welcome to Week Eight!

    • What is Astrology and why is it important?

    • The Zodiac

    • Aries

    • Taurus

    • Gemini

    • Cancer

    • Leo

    • Virgo

    • Libra

    • Scorpio

    • Sagittarius

    • Capricorn

    • Aquarius

    • Pisces

    • The Planets

    • Luna (The Moon)

    • Mercury

    • Venus

    • Sol (The Sun)

    • Mars

    • Jupiter

    • Saturn

    • The North and South Nodes

    • Uranus

    • Neptune

    • Pluto

    • What does it mean when Mercury is Retrograde?

    • Natal Charts

    • Planetary Magick

    • Week 8 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Eight: Recording with guest teacher Luna Veronica Mystic

  • 9

    Week Nine: Lesson Nine

    • Altered States of Consciousness: Welcome to Week Nine!

    • Intro to Altered States of Consciousness

    • Altered States and Magick

    • Ways of Altering Consciousness

    • Holotropic Breathwork

    • Drugs

    • Psychedelic Magicians

    • Psychedelic Psychotherapy

    • Using Drugs Safely

    • Dr John C Lilly's Beliefs Unlimited

    • Timothy Leary's Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness

    • Week 9 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Nine: Recording with guest teacher Daniel Sitaram Das Shankin

    • Feeding Your Demons

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    Week Ten: Lesson Ten

    • Welcome to Week 10: Sex Magick!

    • Safety and Consent

    • Before we get to the magick part...

    • Sex Magick Fundamentals: Part One

    • Sex Magick Fundamentals: Part Two

    • Sex Magick Workshop with Dea Isadora

    • Living Thelema: Sexual Magick and Mysticism

    • Energy Circulation Practices

    • Week 10 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Ten: Recording with guest teachers Gabriela Herstik + Lika Starinets

  • 11

    Week Eleven: Lesson Eleven

    • Welcome to Week 11!

    • The Book of the Law

    • The Holy Guardian Angel

    • Israel Regardie's HGA Meditation

    • The Book of Abramelin the Mage, and Liber Samekh

    • The True Will

    • The New Aeon

    • Key Rituals and Practices: The Star Ruby Ritual

    • Key Rituals and Practices: The Gnostic Mass

    • Week 11 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Eleven: Recording with guest teacher Lon Milo Duquette

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    Week Twelve: Lesson Twelve

    • Welcome to Week Twelve: Modern Currents of Magick

    • Chaos Magick

    • Fundamental Chaos Magic Techniques: Belief Shifting

    • Fundamental Chaos Magic Techniques: Servitors

    • Does Not Matter, Need Not Be

    • Magick and Semiotics

    • New Thought

    • Neville Goddard's Techniques and Ideas

    • Creative Visualization

    • SMARTe Goals

    • The "Dear Universe" Letter

    • Teach Someone!

    • Week 12 Summary and Recap of Exercises

    • Week Twelve: Recording with guest teacher Mitch Horowitz

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    Thank you!

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    Bonus Sessions

    • Bonus Sessions!

    • Follow Up Session 1 - 03/30/22